About Dr. Gebien MD (ABEM), MSc (Pathology)

  • Practicing medical doctor in Toronto, Canada.

  • Formal medical training, board certification (American Board of Emergency Physicians 2005) and 15 years experience in various emergency departments.

  • Completed a Masters degree in pathology (study of diseases) from McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

  • Came across a fascinating case in early 2023 that prompted independent research in SIDS and other sudden unexpected deaths in children.

  • Published two papers and two letters to editors in 2024, all peer reviewed, on diaphragm pathology in infants and sudden unexpected deaths in all ages (with thanks to Dr. Michael Eisenhut and Prof. Paul Goldwater).

  • Primary goal is to experimentally validate the proposed novel SIDS mechanism (spontaneous diaphragm cramp-contracture or DCC).

In short:

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Subscribe to Uncovering Diaphragm Spasm and Cramp in Sudden Infant Deaths

Emerging discovery in SIDS & other sudden unexpected deaths based on Patient 0 & extensive literature reviews by a practicing ER doc. Four peer-reviewed publications 2024. SUDEP and abdominal winding injuries also discussed. Diaphragm cramp-contracture.


ER doc w master’s degree Pathology. Emerging discovery in SIDS & other unexpected deaths. Whereas brief diaphragm spasms in young infants → survivable hypoxemia, sustained contractions as cramp → critical hypoxemia → rapid cardiac arrest.